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Alexandra of The Productivity Zone holding a pink ombre coffee mug

Dear Femtrepreneur:

If you feel like there has to be MORE to this female entrepreneur lifestyle than endless to-do lists, multiple cups of coffee, working all
the time, never having a life, and too many days of dry shampoo…


I'm Alexandra — Productivity Coach and Systems Strategist

I'll help you take back control of your day, your time, and your business with SIMPLE systems that work, so you can enjoy the TRUE female entrepreneur lifestyle of having a life and a business you LOVE at the same time.

Here’s the deal: I’ve been a time managing, color coding, organization nerd since grade school. (#nobutreally) I was the girl who used a homework planner, color coded her school supplies by subject, took the neatest and most detailed notes in class, and spent every single free period in the library.

That’s right, I was the Hermione Granger of my class!! #proud

When I launched my first business (a wedding blog in 2010), I fell down the same BUSY and HUSTLE black hole that SO MANY female entrepreneurs fall into when they become their own boss. I thought that hours and hours behind the computer was “the life of a female entrepreneur” and so I adopted the same crazy schedule and hustle mentality.

But that turned out to be a pretty bad life choice because I burnt out… FAST!!

I knew I couldn’t keep doing what I was doing if I was just going to keep feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and just plain over everything. I needed to change my ways and fast!!

Alexandra of The Productivity Zone holding an iced coffee with a sprinkle doughnut on top
Alexandra of The Productivity Zone carrying a Navy Blooms Daily Simplified Planner

So I started using a planner again. I created systems for my inbox, blog, social media, and more. I started planning, scheduling, organizing, color coding, goal setting, and using my time wisely again.

And I honestly thought people would make fun of me like they did in school or think I wasn’t working hard enough because I wasn’t working long hours or withholding showers.

Instead, I started getting emails with compliments about how organized I was or how easy and smooth a process was. People came to me with questions about what tools I used and how I managed to get so much done and still have a life.

And that’s when it clicked.

I had something to teach. I had something to share. I could help these boss babes (like you) take back control of their business AND have a life they love just. like. I. had. done.

So I shut down my wedding blog in March of 2017 and launched The Productivity Zone in June. I had BIG goals and dreams for this new business venture, but life had other plans.

45 days after launching The Productivity Zone, my 18-month health struggle hit the red zone and I collapsed. I experienced trauma that I almost didn’t survive.

During the hardest and darkest days of my recovery,  I remember wondering how The Productivity Zone would go on to thrive (let alone survive). And then I remembered that I had built my business on a very strong foundation of systems and that I would be able to pick up where I left off when I was ready.

Now I’m here to help you systemize your business and be more productive so you can actually live your life and run your business in a better, easier, and funner way — now, and in the future!!

The Productivity Zone spelled out on pink letterboard with coffee cup and keyboard

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Bet you didn't know...


I am just under 5'0" tall. (People are always surprised when they meet me in person.) #tinybutmighty


You can find me at my desk with my Simplified Planner, all the Apple products, and 2 cats (George + Gracie) fighting for space in my lap.


I love doing laundry and am weirdly good (like J.Crew-level good) at folding it. But I can do it without the little gizmo they use!!


I take my cream and sugar with a little coffee and ONLY in cute coffee mugs. (Boring mugs just don't do it for me.)


I hate all things gummy (including gummy bears, gummy worms, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids), pop-tarts, and Jell-O. #yuck


Having The Container Store, Whole Foods, Kate Spade, Shake Shack, and Chipotle within 30 minutes driving distance of my house.


4 of my 7 Harry Potter books are falling apart at the seams. Goblet of Fire is my forever favorite.


I'm obsessed with empty inboxes, checking off my to-do lists with pink pen, color coding #allthethings, and organizing ev-er-y-thing.


Office supplies are my love language. But I'll never say no to a sprinkle doughnut or Chipotle burrito bowl.

Be Seen, Get Booked Summit
Honeybook | Rising Tide
Creative at Heart
The Bundle Co.

Success starts by taking action and you can start by choosing to be productive today.